EU to investigate Facebook over massive data breach as stocks sink

THE head of the European Unions parliament says the bloc will investigate Facebook over the use of its data by a Trump-affiliated data-mining firm.

Cambridge Analytica, whose clients have included Donald Trumps presidential campaign, reportedly used the data of 50 million Facebook customers without permission to build psychological profiles so voters could be targeted with ads and stories.

Antonio Tajani tweeted on Monday: Allegations of misuse of Facebook user data is an unacceptable violation of our citizens privacy rights. The European Parliament will investigate fully, calling digital platforms to account. Tajani, who is president of the EU parliament, hasnt provided details.

UK politicians have already called on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to testify before a parliamentary committee about this case.

Mark Zuckerberg could testify before a parliamentary committee.Camera IconMark Zuckerberg could testify before a parliamentary committee.Picture: AFP, AFP/Money SharmaIt comes as Facebook had its worst trading day since 2012 as details emerged about how a data mining company working for the Trump campaign improperly obtained and kept data on tens of millions of users during the 2016 election.

A former employee of Cambridge Analytica said on US TV overnight that the group identified voters who might be swayed and injected content that may or may not be true. Late Friday, Facebook said it would ban Cambridge Analytica, saying the company improperly obtained information from 270,000 people who downloaded a purported research app described as a personality test. Facebook first learned of the breach more than two years ago, but hasnt disclosed it until now.

Facebook shares sank $US13.43 ($17,43) in midday trading, putting the stock on pace for its biggest one-day fall since August 2012 and dragging down the rest of the technology sector, with fears rising of increased government regulation. Alphabet, Googles parent company, lost almost 3 per cent and Microsoft fell almost 2 per cent.

A former employee of a Trump-affiliated data-mining firm says it used algorithms that took fake news to the next level using data inappropriately obtained from Facebook.

Chris Wylie says the firm, Cambridge Analytica, secured personal data in order to learn about individuals and then used it to create an information cocoon to change their perceptions.

He says the firm used informational dominance to capture every channel of information around a person to surround them with curated information, changing their perception of whats actually happening.

In an interview Monday on US TV, Wylie said Cambridge Analytica aimed to explore mental vulnerabilities of people.

While Mr Wylie said he doesnt know to what extent Mr Trumps campaign used the techniques, he said Mr Trumps former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was meeting with Cambridge Analytica in 2015, before Mr Trump even announced his run for office.

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