Scott Morrison’s $4m endorsement of defunct Esther Foundation ‘silenced’ rehab residents

Former residents of the Esther Foundation Christian rehabilitation facility say they were deterred from speaking up about allegations of abuse and mistreatment after former prime minister Scott Morrison personally visited the centre during 2019.In 2019, Mr Morrison went to the Perth-area women’s residential facility, which shut down last year following allegations of abuse, to announce a $4 million grant for the centre, which claimed to help women with addictions, mental health and eating disorders.

Women who spoke out about their experiences at Esther Foundation said they were relieved but not surprised this week when a report by the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) concluded the grant was approved with “insufficient due diligence” and was likely given without lawful authority.

Best Way To Move: Moving Yourself Vs. Hiring Movers

Hey All!

Nothing is more stressful than packing up your entire house into boxes. The home removals can be overwhelming and can make things challenging for people like us. If you are doing it for the first time, decide whether you want to do it yourself or hire professionals. There is no denying that professionals leave no stone unturned to give you damage-free moving service. However, many people want more control over their moving process. So, in such a scenario, a DIY move is a great option. For more tips, read the article I am sharing below on my page.


WA attorney-general declines to ‘interfere’ in inquiries amid alleged exploitation in state care

The WA opposition has criticised the attorney general’s “dismissive tirade” after he said he would not do anything to address the treatment of people under state care amid ongoing inquiries.
It comes after the ABC revealed people under the care of the WA Public Trustee and Office of the Public Advocate are being charged exorbitant fees, in some cases left without access to money for necessities, and forced out of their own homes.

Deputy Opposition Leader and Nationals MP Peter Rundle questioned the attorney-general in parliament about what he was doing to address the treatment of people under state administration and guardianship.

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Ben Dawkins enters WA parliament as Labor seeks expulsion amid family violence order case

Lawyer Ben Dawkins has been sworn into parliament as Western Australia’s newest MP and promised to support Labor’s legislation as the party moves to expel him over allegations he breached 42 family violence restraining orders.

WA Labor’s Administrative Committee met this morning and decided to support a recommendation that he be expelled, with a final decision to be made at the next meeting of the party’s state executive.

Arriving at parliament ahead of his swearing-in, Mr Dawkins accused unnamed parties of throwing him under a bus but also said he would support Labor in parliament.

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Perth councils vote to require development application for tall tree removal

In what has been described as a “watershed moment,” two inner-suburban Perth councils have voted to protect trees on private properties and preserve the city’s urban canopy.
Both the City of South Perth and the City of Nedlands want the WA Planning Commission to approve planning amendments that mean landowners would require a development application if they want to clear trees over 8 metres tall on private property.

Residents could also face on-the-spot infringements for removing a tree without a development application.

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Top 10 Reasons To Move To Perth, Western Australia

Hello All!
My friend recently relocated to Perth because the city offers affordable homes as compared to other capital cities, like Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. Apart from this, it is home to the best universities, natural wonders, diver and multicultural ambience and much more. Finding a rental property is also easy and that’s why she moved there with her husband. If you are also planning the same and don’t know much about Perth, read the article I am sharing below on my page. It can help you unveil 10 top reasons to move to this beautiful capital city of Western Australia.


Reasons To Move To Perth

Construction company collapses tipped to continue due to rising material costs, interest rates hikes

Experts say construction companies across the country will continue to go broke as material costs and interest rates keep rising.
The future of dozens of projects in Queensland, including two sites on the Gold Coast, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory is uncertain after the collapse of PBS Building this week.

Master Builders Gold Coast regional manager Adam Profke said it was a nasty situation for everyone involved and the industry’s crisis would continue for months.

“It’s an exceptionally tough time, it’s unprecedented,” Mr Profke said.

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WA faces challenging year ahead but economic outlook remains positive, according to new business report

As the global economy “teeters on a knife edge”, Western Australia is well positioned to withstand a possible worldwide recession, according to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA).

The CCIWA has released its economic outlook report for this financial year and the next two, warning of a tough year ahead.

“The household sector in particular [will face challenges] with rising interest rates, increased costs of living. But we look beyond those challenges,” chief economist Aaron Morey said.

“The fundamentals of the Western Australian economy are incredibly sound, and we should all have confidence in the future of our state.”

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Thorny devils are older than Australia’s deserts, scientists hope the lizard’s genetics can tell us why

In the case of what came first, the thorny devil or the desert, scientists believe the former is the answer. But this only brings more questions about the unique Australian lizard. For instance, how can an animal that has evolved to be a desert specialist — it stays hydrated by its skin drawing up moisture from the ground — pre-date its environment? Evolutionary biologist Ian Brennan is based at London’s Natural History Museum. Tens of millions of years ago, the thorny devil broke off from its closest relative, the tree-dwelling chameleon dragon of Australia’s Top End, Dr Brennan said.

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How To Get Rid Of Soap Scum On Shower Glass?

Have you decided to do a deep clean of your shower area and found soap scum all over the glass doors, floors and frames? You can get rid of this soap scum using natural solutions like vinegar and baking soda but you must know how long to keep them on and how to mix them. Here is a detailed idea of how to get rid of soap scum using natural and eco-friendly solutions as well as effective solutions on how to prevent them. You can try out these tips that worked really well for me when I was trying to get rid of soap scum from my shower frames.


Get Rid Of Soap Scum On Shower Glass

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